2. 路易丝·布尔乔亚。白天侵入了黑夜,还是黑夜侵入了白天?,第5名,共9名,来自“这个问题的形状是什么?”系列?。1999 高清作品[95%]

Louise Bourgeois. Has the Day Invaded the Night, or Has the Night Invaded the Day?, no. 5 of 9, from the series, What Is the Shape of This Problem?. 1999- sheet (component A): 12 × 17 (30.5 × 43.2 cm); sheet (component B): 12 × 17 (30.5 × 43.2 cm)

Louise Bourgeois. Has the Day Invaded the Night, or Has the Night Invaded the Day?, no. 5 of 9, from the series, What Is the Shape of This Problem?. 1999



3. 路易丝·布尔乔亚。白天侵入了黑夜,还是黑夜侵入了白天?,第5页,共9页,B部分,来自系列文章《这个问题的形状是什么?》?。1999 高清作品[95%]

Louise Bourgeois. Has the Day Invaded the Night, or Has the Night Invaded the Day?, no. 5 of 9, component B, from the series, What Is the Shape of This Problem?. 1999- sheet: 12 × 17 (30.5 × 43.2 cm)

Louise Bourgeois. Has the Day Invaded the Night, or Has the Night Invaded the Day?, no. 5 of 9, component B, from the series, What Is the Shape of This Problem?. 1999



11. “轻mac,红灯,白色挡泥板。骑自行车的人确保在黑夜中可以看到你,并增加你的安全。” 高清作品[85%]

Light mac, red lamp, white mudguard. Cyclists; Make sure you can be seen in the blackout and add to your safety-

图片文件尺寸 : 3280 x 4773px

“轻mac,红灯,白色挡泥板。骑自行车的人确保在黑夜中可以看到你,并增加你的安全。”-Tom Gentleman

Light mac, red lamp, white mudguard. Cyclists; Make sure you can be seen in the blackout and add to your safety--Tom Gentleman (Scottish, 1892-1966)
